sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Das and Zas_Cuento


Hello children, how are you??

Let´s tell a story! Ok?

Today we are going to play with Das and Zas

Zas looks through the window, what is the weather like?

Is it sunny? Is it cloudy? ….

Big and small go down the slide

but , where are das and zas? are they here? no! there isn´t

Das and Zas go on the swings

Ohhh it´s time to go home, we are going to collect the toys

Where are the toys?

are they Here?

Ohh! Here they are! It's the bucket and the spade!!

And here is the truck

Very well, let´s say goodbye to Zas and Das


Thanks so much !!


Now we are going to play ! ok?
This is the jungle but where ARE the animals ?
Miriam can you help me? yes / where is the elephant ?
Take it and sitck it HERE/THERE
Carlos can you help me ? yes/ where is the giraffe ?

Take it and stick it HERE /THERE
Very good
And this is the sky! but where is the sunny and THE cloud?
alex can you help me ? where is the SUN?
Very good alex it´s sun

Laura can you help me ? where is the cloud?
very good laura it´s raining
Pepe can you help me ? where is the cloud and A little bit OF rain ( la nube con un poco de lluvia)


This is a child and he is playing but
where is the bucket ? and THE spade ?
jessi can you help me ? where is the bucket and THE spade ?
Very good !!! thanks children! goodbye!

Edad: A partir de 3


- El tiempo

- los animales

- Que identifiquen el tiempo que hace en el día

- Los modales (en segundo plano)

- Psicomotricidad fina

Donde y cuando: Podría ser durante la asamblea para aprovechar y que vean el día que hace hoy y trabajar el tiempo, también podría ser antes de que se vayan a jugar para que jueguen a ser los animales del cuento.

Variaciones: Se les puede presentar muñecos para que los vean más de cerca y así cuando aparezcan el cuento se imaginen que son esos mismos muñecos.

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