The origin of the “What are little
boys made of” poem can be traced to the early 19th century – the battle of the
sexes was raging even them! The words of “What are little boys made of”
obviously reflect this, but what is the meaning of “snips and snails”? Several
interpretations have been suggested but the one with the most credibility is
that the original words were in fact “snips of snails” – the origin so snips
meaning “little bits of”. No redemption there for describing What little boys
are made of! And, of course, little girls love to hear that they are made of
“sugar and spice and all things nice”!
What are little boys
made of?
Frogs and snails, and
puppy dogs tails
That´s what are little
boys are made of!
What are little girls
made of?
Sugar and spice and
all things nice
That´s what little
girls are made of!
Objetivos: aprender nuevo vocabulario; experimentar con diferentes texturas;
repasar los colores; motricidad fina.
Dónde y Cuando: actividad principal después de la asamblea.
Edad: 4-5 años
Variación: con niños más pequeños se podría hacer los dibujos con azúcar
dándoselo nosotros ya pintado y ayudándoles a pegarlo aunque no pinten la
silueta correctamente.
Actividad 1: En papel contínuo dibujamos un parque infantil. A los niños se les
reparte un folio, azúcar y tizas de colores para que pinten el azúcar. A
continuación les damos una silueta que queramos que rellenen con el azúcar.
Cuando estén terminadas las pegaremos en el parque que tenemos dibujado.
Actividad 2: Utilizando limpiapipas de diferentes colores y unas bolas del
material realizaremos wibos.
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