miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Lost in the Jungle_Teatro

Mommy Monkey             Jackeline
Baby Monkey                   Valeria
Mommy Tiger                   Rocío
Baby Tiger                         Cristina M.
Storyteller                         not necessary


Mommy Monkey and baby monkey are going to have lunch at their favourite tree.

Mommy Monkey:                      Baby Monkey, come here, it's lunch time
Baby Monkey:                            … ok
Mommy Monkey:                     You have to eat your banana
Baby Monkey:                           But I don’t want
Mommy Monkey:                     If you don’t eat your banana, then you can’t go out to play with your friends
Baby Monkey:                           I don’t care. I’m leaving because I’m angry with you

Ring ring (the telephone is ringing)

Mommy Monkey:                     Wait here. Someone is calling. Hello? Who’s calling?

But Baby Monkey runs away at the time Mommy is hanging up the phone.

Baby Monkey in the jungle:

Baby Monkey:                           I’m happy because I can do whatever I want. a la la…

Baby Monkey plays through the jungle with his ball, until he realizes that he's got lost.

Baby Monkey:                           Oh oh… I don’t know where I am. I think that I’m lost.

He finds Mommy Tiger and Baby Tiger and gets scared because he doesn't know who they are.

Baby Monkey:                           Who… who… who are you?
Mommy Tiger:                          Don’t be scared about us. We are very kind
Baby Tiger:                                Who are you?
Baby Monkey:                           I’m Baby Monkey, and you?
Baby Tiger:                                This is my mommy, Mrs. Tiger, and I’m Baby Tiger
Baby Monkey:                           Can you help me to find my mom? I’m lost.
Mommy Tiger:                          Yes, of course. Do you remember where do you live?
Baby Monkey:                           I live at the top of the big tree.
Mommy Tiger:                          Ok. Don’t worry, baby tiger and I are going to help you.
Baby Monkey:                           Thank you very much. Now I’m happy again.
Baby Tiger:                                Yes!!! Let’s go!!!

The three animals begin to look after Mommy Monkey in the jungle and baby monkey plays with the tails of the tigers at the same time he's looking for his mom.

But they don't find Baby Monkey's mom, so baby Monkey gets sad again.

Baby Monkey:                           I’m sad again. I want to go with Mom
Mommy Tiger:                          Don’t be sad, let’s look through the trees, children!
Baby Tiger:                                Don’t worry, open up your eyes to look better for your mom! Look there. There’s a tail like yours.
Baby Monkey:                           Mom, mom!!!
Mommy Tiger:                          Oh no. It’s not your mom. It’s only a branch

They went on searching in the jungle since a shouting voice came nearer

Mommy Monkey:                     Oh my baby, my baby. Where are you?
Baby Monkey:                           Here. Right here! Mom!!! I’m so happy to see you again. I’ll never run away again if I get angry. I’m so sorry.
Mommy Monkey:                     Oh thank you so much Mrs. Tiger and Baby Tiger for looking after my son.
Mommy Tiger:                          You’re welcome. It was very funny to spend time with Baby Monkey. Wasn’t it, baby Tiger?
Baby Tiger:                                Yes, it was. I’m very happy, too, because I’ve got a new friend to play.

Ha ha ha (everybody laughs)

Mommy Monkey:                     And I’m very happy, too. I have known a very kind mommy tiger to eat bananas with her. Do you also think so?
Mommy Tiger:                          Yes, I do.

Ha ha ha (everybody laughs)

Mommy Tigre:                          Let’s sing a song!

“If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands….”

-Edad: A partir de los 2-3 años.

-Dónde y cuándo:
Se podrá hacer: antes del recreo para que los niños jueguen a los animales, después de la asamblea o después del patio donde se tranquilizarán. Este momento sería el ideal puesto que trabajamos la comida en el cuento y así ellos lo identificarán poco antes de la hora de comer.

      -repasar conceptos relacionados con la familia.
      - identificar algunas rutinas (saludar, presentarse, comer)
      - Identificar y reconocer emociones

Caretas de los animales o pinturas de cara, colas con pelo, tijeras, rotuladores, ceras, pinturas, pegamento, goma elástica para las caretas, cartulina y música (fondo musical d ella jungla)

-Actividad: Antes del teatro se trabajaran las distintas emociones. Para ello nosotras diremos el nombre de la emoción y el gesto con el que corresponde, así cuando en el cuento salgan, los niños la reconocerán.

-Procedimiento: Después de haber hecho la actividad, empezamos con el teatro.

    -Los niños podrán hacer sus propias máscaras de tigres y de monos.
    -Podremos trabajar la familia de cada animal.
   - Con niños más mayores podremos hacer juegos dramáticos
   - Podremos hacer feedback de la comida saludable y de los colores.
  -Trabajar el entorno de la jungla.

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